I'm learning lots these days. I think one of the things that I've learned most lately is about
Home is not just a building or people. While those things are important, they will not always last or stay consistent. They will be flipped or thrown in a storm or scattered or fade. I'm learning that no matter where I am, I can always be at
home. Christ is my home. If God is truly to be my comfort and guide, then He is
home. He is the one constant that will never change or pass away.
I have a few different projects that I'm wanting to see happen with this blog. One-which I just thought of earlier today-is for me to take a picture a day, or every few days, of things that represent what God is doing in my life. What He is teaching me, how He's changing me, significant places or things that He's used, etc. I am going to pick the pictures and post them, and see what happens from there. :)
I also have a few other "projects" that are in the works.
Today's picture is a house...simply because it represents what we typically think of as
home. In reality, I'm working on getting to the point where God is 100% my home. When my life seems to be falling apart, or not going the way I'd like it to go, I am reminded that it's God's life and His arms are open for me to constantly be in and run to. He truly is my home. :)