Monday, August 6, 2012

"The Everyday Me."


I wrote a bio a few months ago for the church website. Bios are supposed to make you sound good and are usually formatted in a formal way. That's great and all, but let’s be honest...I'm just a normal person. So can I tell you a bit about me informally? You might be able to catch on through my posts, but let me just lay it out for you.

  • I love rainy days. (Much like the one today, while I'm writing this.) I think it's cozy.

  • Laughing is my favorite activity.
  • I love to travel, and especially cherish the summers I've lived in South American countries. Chicago is another favorite traveled place.
  • Also, I have a fetishes with the Spanish language, tea cups, pearls, and purple. (gift hints, yup...just kidding)

  • I'm currently living at home with my family. And it is fun. We're not perfect, and it's not ideal for a post-grad, student working on a master's degree to be living with her parents, but it's where God has me right now, and I really love my family. I have two brothers, a loving set of normal parents, and an old golden retriever named Molly.

  • I just moved back to Frisco from Arkansas and I'm dealing with a bit of culture shock. I mean, really, who doesn't shut down the town for lunch breaks? And the traffic!! I count my drives a success if I get out of the car and am not stressed or angry. I'm working on it. With that said, I left a wonderful adopted-family, church, friends, and university in Arkansas. I am who I am today because of what God did while I was there.

  • Squirrels are my favorite animals. I know, most people think they're gross, but I just think they're really cute. Not that I want to own one, but I sure like to watch them. Bats are another fascinating one to me.

  • I'm bad about cleaning up my room or car...I'm working on it.

  • I love old-fashioned things: Antiques, old barns, real honey from beehives, tea cups from my grandmother's China cabinet, etc.

  • My favorite time of the day is that moment when the coffee cup and I become friends while listening to God's daily whisperings.

  • I have insecurities, I have doubts, I have attitude issues; I'm impatient and I distrust; I forget to be thankful. But more importantly, I know that I can give my flaws to God to fix, and I know that He uses my weaknesses for His Kingdom.

  • The grace of God is more than I can wrap my mind around. And because of His great love, I have freedom to live rightly and completely.

  • I was called to missions in the 9th grade, but God decided that it was only for a time. In college he placed a love for youth ministry on my heart, and here I am…doing girls ministry.

  • I love teaching truth to younger girls. I was fed so many lies as a teenager and struggled with so many things of the world; I think it’s important for me to share what I have learned with those around me.

  • Middle school girls don’t annoy me. Most of my friends think I’m crazy for spending weekends with 13-year-olds, but I think it’s a blast! The drama that goes on is silly, but I never tire of hearing it. Maybe God has me in the right ministry.

  • My favorite weekend pastime is to watch movies! In my mind, movie nights should happen every day. And I’m pretty open to every type of movie except horror films. Chick flick, comedy, action, cartoon. You name it and I’ll probably enjoy it.

So there’s a little about me. It’s not a complete list, but you get a picture of what I’m about. I read this quote by an author, and I think it sums up my daily life.

“I feel like a success in my everyday life if I get through the day having spent time with the Lord, exercised in some way… and made a friend smile.”
Until next time, Brittany


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