Thursday, February 24, 2011

Need A Laugh?

...Yeah, me too! This is sure to put a smile on any face, no matter the stressful day that is happening! One of my friends posted it on Facebook, and it was definitely a smile-bringer (is that even a word??) in between my two crazy-hard Spanish tests this morning. Enjoy!

[Not really sure what the cookies have to do with anything, but it's funny!]

Happy almost Friday!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

All Things Learned | Isaiah and Yahweh

Things read today that are just too amazing not to share:

1In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. 2Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 3And one called to another and said:

  "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!"

 4And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. 5And I said: "Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!"
 6Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7And he touched my mouth and said: "Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for."
 8And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me."
Isaiah 6:1-8

"God doesn't need to exaggerate His abilities. He never makes a promise he cannot keep. If you live in a way that respects God's commands you will find that the name of the Lord [Yahweh] can always be relied upon, no matter what threatens you." -Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of God

The Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared. -Proverbs 3.26
The name of the Lord [Yahweh] is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. -Proverbs 18:10

Happy weekend, everyone!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Let There Be Snow!

 It snowed again on Wednesday! It was so beautiful! We had morning classes, and then got the news that afternoon classes were canceled. Most people were super excited. But for people like me, who's classes ended at noon, it was just another day (with a bonus of snow!). I think that snow is just an excuse for college students to act like little children again. There were some massive snowball wars that went on, tons of sledding, and even a game or two of Red Rover. Campus was so alive despite the calming feeling that snow often brings. I was a bit snowed-out from our snow rendezvous Friday, so I stayed in and chatted with Becca some and went running. And then I started my Spanish homework for the next day and finished two or three hours later to get the text message that Thursday's classes are canceled too! At least I learned something, I guess. :) So in a bit, due to the no classes, we are going to have snowed in breakfast and a movie! Maybe there will be pictures to come. :)

These are pictures from Wednesday's snow, taken from my phone... They were really just to get a taste of how much snow can blow in between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Tons! :)

 The middle of campus
 My suitemate, Kim, laughing and looking cute in the snow!
 This is the bridge, looking back towards campus from my dorm.
There was so much snow that the grass and sidewalks were the same thing. They couldn't be distinguished between.
 Our dorms :)
So Much Snow!!
 People watching the sledders by the Hef.  
 View from my window.
 View number 2 from my window.
This picture is for Mom and her college friends. Susan Lucci, better known as Erica, from All My Children was on Opra. Mom used to watch it with all her friends while she was in college, and then I used to watch it when I was little with Mom at home. So here's a tribute to Mom and her wonderful friends. We watched the special just for y'all :)

Finally, pictures from Friday's snow rendezvous!
This is the best hill on campus! (despite having to maneuver through the bushes!) 
  We walked up to the really good hill and there was this little snow man just chilling there. I barley missed him, but then it turned into a game to see who could knock him over :) I think Angela won! 
 Becca for the win with the box!
 This is our little snowman. He's a goaltender. :)
 Heading out to face the snow and the adventures that were ahead! 
 Look at that air!! 
 Missed him by that much! 
 Fact: Snow Angels only look good in movies. 
They don't work in real life. Or maybe just for me :)
 That's a long run! 

 It was a good time!

'Wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
...Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
says the LORD.
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.' -Isaiah 1.16-18

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Christian Focus Week

I have never fully understood why we have a week devoted to "focusing on Christianity" on a Christian campus until today. Every year at Ouachita, we have a week devoted to Christian focus. What the week consists of are worship services in the mornings, speakers, worship bands, breakout sessions, Q&A, etc. Well, I have always loved this week because it is a nice way to center my days around Jesus. But as each CFW (Christian Focus Week) comes along, I always wonder why, at a Baptist campus, do we need to focus on Christ this one week. Shouldn't we be doing that every week? Everyday?
Today, it was made clear to me that, while we do center daily Ouachita life around Christ, CFW serves as a revival of sorts. It is for a new perspective, a breather, a re-focusing if you will. It's a beautiful thing. This year, we have with us Brian Loritts as a speaker and Lindsay McCaul leading worship. They are amazing! 
We read tonight in the Bible study, which we hold weekly with my friends, about Paul being overwhelmingly encouraged by the Thessalonians' faith and all that they were doing.  How cool is it that Paul was refreshed and refueled simply by hearing what other Christians were doing in their faith?? It was as if Paul were sharing in the Thessalonians' work and sharing of the Gospel. He was moved by hearing of their actions. Why are we not more like that?  
This verse came to life to me as I was encouraged by the testamony, singing, and sharing of Lindsay McCaul's heart tonight. I wanted to share in her ministry, and know her more. It was a wonderful reminder of why CFW is so important and good for us Ouachitonians. We tend to live in a bubble here and get in a rut. Whether or not that's good is not really for me to say. I see both sides. However, this week is so that we can hear new perspectives on the same thing that we know and hear often.  It is to refuel us so that we can know the bigger, eternal, Kingdom picture.
I am so overwhelmingly blessed to be part of such a special place where not only is our education valued, but our spiritual health is cherished and encouraged.  It is put at top priority. It is strengthened, at a time that is so critical to the development of people, Jesus is constantly placed at the center and we are encouraged to "grow up in our salvation." 

A few highlights from sermons the past few days:
Monday, Brian Loritts:  Compassion: Seeing a need, feeling for that need, doing something about that need. We cannot be compassionate people if we do not expose ourselves to the suffering of this world! 
Tuesday, Brian Loritts:  1 Corinthians 9.24-27. Finish Well. "The Bible doesn't say that God will say at the end of your life, 'Well Start, my servant.' He says, 'Well Done.'" God is not finished with you yet! Despite bad starts or bad middles, God is still working in you so that you may finish well. Run the race: Give it your all. Be people marked by excellence, endurance, and integrity.
"There is a misnomer about Salvation that it's cheap. No. It's free. But it cost someone something so that it could be free for you. but it was not cheap. God is saying to us, "Because I've paid, you stay in this race. Don't come talking to me halfway through. Quit is not in the Christian's dictionary." 
Those who finish the race are those who push through the pain. It's not a sprint, but a marathon. There will be pain and suffering (i.e. Job, the teachings of Jesus). Take up your cross: identifying with Jesus and sharing in His death.

Tonight: Charlie Hall Band came in concert with Lindsay McCaul opening for him. It was such a great night!!
Here are my pictures for the week and a little video to let you semi-experience what my night looked like. [they're taken from my phone, so they may be a bit rough..]

Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Monday To You!

Just a little something to start off your week! I hope it's a joyful one. :-)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Month In Review

In keeping with my resolution, here's the first four weeks of the year. :)
Week 1: January Beginnings
Tea party lunch with Mom's sweet librarians.
 Happy birthday, Brother! 
We celebrated by going to Ghengis Grill, and I made him a drum set cake.
A day on the town! Mom and I met Angela and her mom and sister for shopping at Firewheel Mall.

Week 2: The joys of winter break!
 Dinner with Mom's college friends in Coppell.

Brandon's 17th birthday party. Broomball at the mall. 

Snow day! [This picture was actually taken a few days 
ago, but I took one almost like it three weeks ago.] :)
Brandon, Brady and I went sledding and Molly got to learn
how to sled as well...although they did run 
right into a tree the first time. :)

Week 4: D-Now
I returned back to school for a few days, only to turn right back around and come home for FBC Frisco's DNow. It was amazing!! I'm so completely blessed to have been part of what God did that weekend.

Week 5: Basketball Game and Roommate Photoshoot
I filled in for a friend Saturday by playing at the basketball game. We had Dr. Hesse, our director's father, join us for the half-times. Dr. Hesse is a professional jazz saxophonist. Only at Ouachita do we have jazz soloists join us for pep-band! He was phenomenal. (the picture is a bit blurry, but it's from my phone.)

My roommate and I went to some prime spots around Arkadelphia and had a little fun with her new camera. ...ok, so it was a lot of fun! Here are some of my favorites :) 

We couldn't leave Chef Leon at home!

 Week 6: A painting and some snow!
 Emma and I spent Monday afternoon painting. Emma loves art, and I thought that it would be a good idea for us to hang out while painting. We couldn't decide what to make, so this is the result. It's a mezcla of designs. You have the royal, richey-rich section, the "homey-home-home" section, the monsters, the Mexican section, and the flowery-floral section. (all named by Emma, of course) :)
It was a great way to spend the afternoon working on a project, spend time together, and chat it up!
 Friday morning, I woke up to find the most beautiful snow falling out my window! Ouachita was so beautiful in the snow! 
Although, the above picture was taken in jest. The road there is the one out my window and is semi-steep. They had closed it off for a while, but then I noticed that there was a bulldozer clearing the road as if it were a snow-plow. Really Ouachita?? One can only laugh!
 It fell pretty hard all day long, so naturally we had to go play in it! Angela, Vikki, Becca and I went to play after classes (since OBU doesn't cancel class for anything!). We found the best sledding hills, made some pitiful snow angels, had a small snowball fight, and made this snowman. He is the goalie, and was pretty lopsided. More pictures to come when I get them from Angela. :)

I found this guy last night walking to the caf, right in front of our beautiful Ouachita sign. I love the way the snow fell on the Bible/Ouachita's emblem in the background.

It's been a wonderful week, full of ups and downs, but through it all God is the everlasting Lord of provision and sees all we need before hand. What a beautiful promise. :)