The winsome song of the ascending lark
Hails the gentle soul and loving heart
Ever heard in silence sweet
Soul and heart in grace do meet.
-Rose Marie Raccioppi
This afternoon I had the privilege and opportunity to sit in the office of my dean, professor, advisor, and respected mentor, Dr. Wight. Sitting in his new office filled with art, skulls, jars of brains, and books lining the walls, I learned some very valuable lessons today. Besides talk of future possibilities, we got to talk about life in general. And I learned SO much. I've been so blessed recently to have the opportunity to be surrounded by godly wisdom.
The above painting is called "The Song of The Lark," and the lesson that I learned from Dr. Wight regarding this painting really sums up some things that I've been reading and learning from other places the past few weeks.
In this painting, the poor young woman has been working hard all day with her sickle; and as the sun sets she stops amidst the toil to appreciate the moment. She finds joy even after a long hard day. Dr. Wight told me that he has this painting in his office to remind him that there is joy in every moment and any place to live is as good as any, depending on the perspective you bring to the place. Life is not made up of how much stuff we have or whether or not we live in a "cool" city; it is made up of the relationships and perspectives you bring to it. Christ calls us to a life of joy. With Him as the center, we can see joy in the sunrise of a long, hard day of cutting wheat. Sunsets can signify so many things: the ending of seasons, the sadness in life, the dusky-in-between of light and dark, the peaceful end of work, and the reminder that each day has a start and beginning and God is faithful to return the day with the morning.
-Thank you Dr. Wight, for your wisdom and willingness to share with me.
-Thank you Dr. Wight, for your wisdom and willingness to share with me.