Sunday, September 2, 2012

"To The Girl…Who's Life Is Changing"


Can I just say that I love new things! New places, new cultures, new foods, new ideas, new people - I love it!

But man, oh man, change is SO hard! It is a weird contradiction, is it not?

Do you ever feel like I do right now? Like you're so content and happy to be where you are, but also long to be somewhere else? That's what I'm feeling right now. I love my new job in Frisco, and I love you girls that I get to hang out with and minister to. But at the same time, some nights my heart longs to be in Arkadelphia. I long for the clear, star-filled skies, the girls of my first youth ministry, and the comfort.

But then God reminds me that there lies the problem. Comfort. He told me a long time ago that my life is never to be comfortable. Content, yes, but not comfortable. And so I told Him that whenever I get too comfortable that He should move me. So He did. And I am so content, and life is full of joy.

God designed us to grow in change. Have you ever been through a season of change, and came out a better person for it? It happens all the time. We change from being elementary school kids to middle schoolers. And when we leave 6th, 7th, 8th grades, we are better people. Hopefully.

Let me encourage you that as life changes, embrace the growth that can happen. Let God guide you through these changes so that each choice you make is one that pleases Him, and is guided by Him. Change is hard, but without God at our side, it will be so much harder. And we cannot stay stagnant, living without changing. We must always change because time moves forward. We grow older, times change. And if we don't change with it, our lives become lost. Allow God to change you into the person He wants you to be. Allow Him to change you into a holy, righteous person, living for Him.

So do new things, ponder new ideas, go to so many new places, make a new friend, and eat a new food. You might find that you like it. And you will find that God has a plan.

Shall we change together?

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