An Appreciation...
Problems. Jamzzzzz. DJ and Tour Guide Lessons.
Cursing. Elevator of humor. c-c-cool b-b-b-beans-beans.
Playing the Background. Frat boys' boxer
campus-run-throughs..yikes. Choir tour "kidnappings."
Stayin' alive. Scrumptious cupcakes and melting dipped cones.
Stolen golf carts. Uncle Don bathroom situations. Mr.
Magorium. Jamz with Cademon's Call, Jars of Clay, Usher, and some
loudly yelled curse words. Blap Blap Blap! Can I get an
Amen, Hello! Prayer and it's full importance. A learning of
student ministry. Are you a man, or a muppet?? ...hmmmm.
"Because I'm Oprah!!" and 3 a.m. Walmart runs. DelTaco late-night
convos. Laughs. Birds (Are we talking the animal or the
finger here??). Whore sermons - thanks for letting that be an ok
thing. I really like talking about whores... Date bets and
freak-outs. Candle Vigils. Trashcan? Hospital.
Expectation of God's movement in student's hearts. Old-school
footprint posters. Pinching-even though I don't think that "big brothers that I never had (thankfully)"
would actually hurt me. Pregnant with potential and other awkward
statements. Life being not about me or you. Names that
aren't my own proper name (not sure why Beege has grown on me).
Full life. Mentoring and pastoring. Cheesy Events. Andy
Stanley mancrushes. Learning to fully love God, love people.
Zombie obsessions - whether it be sheep or people. Yup. Allowing
God to use you and impacting my life for the Kingdom in big ways that
can't be put into simple stories.
Because you're 40 and oh, so old, here are 40 things I fully appreciate about you, and one to grow on.
I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to do ministry with you and to have you as a friend. (: beeee!
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