Sunday, September 29, 2013

You Know You're in Girls Ministry When....

You know you're a girls minister when you hear things like:
  • Girl 1: Brittany, you'd be proud of me. There was a stripper pole on the party bus and I didn't even dance on it!
  • Girl 1: I didn't dance on it, but Girl 2 did. She's really good at it. Girl 2: It's my new profession!
  • Girl 3, about giving birth: I wouldn't like for my legs to be all open with all those people around. Girl 1: That's how I am all the time!
  • Girl 4: I hid the glo-sticks in my bosoms!
  • Boy 1: Brittany, I'm having girl problems... *continues to spill drama worse than girls do*
  • Boy: That's what the girls fall for: the baby face...
  • Girl 5: Jesus' mother was Mary. Oh my gosh! I wonder if Mary had a little lamb?!!
  • Girl 4: No. We don't kiss boys.  At least not until we're like 40!
  • State your name and a weird fact: Girl 6: She's Girl 7, and she loves One Direction so much that she knows all their blood types.
  • Girl 7: And I know 1D's birthdays. You don't????
  • Boy 2: I'm going to come to the girls' paint war party. Hittin' up the ladiessss!
  • Intern: Brittany, your coffee addiction has rubbed off on me after spending so much time with you this summer...
  • Youth Minister: I'm trying to be manly!
  • Girl: Jesus was subtweeting in the story of the Good Samaritan. Awesome.
  • Girl: Momma doesn't let me use the decorative soap!
  • Youth Minister: Brittany, can you come build my desk/fix this thing with these tools, etc...
  • Girl: Brittany, we need to talk. I think I want to go into ministry when I grow up.
  • Girl: What do you want to be when you get out of college? Girl: A Brittany. Or just a girls minister.
  • Girl: Brittany, I have friends now. Thanks for praying for my small group.
  • Girl: Today I accepted Jesus into my heart.
  • Girl: Brittany, You're my best friend!
  • Girl: I just wanted to call from college and tell you how awesome my life is right now and all the great things God is doing!
You see things like:
  • Girls painting boys' toenails in your living room
  • Bible study turned into dance parties
  • Lots of tears and emotions
  • Girls calling you from the school dance to fix her broken dress
  • Student Minister wearing bows for VBS
  • Lots of laughter
  • Volleyball games twice a week
  • Girls finding community
  • High school girls taking interest in the middle schoolers
  • Students called to ministry, surrendering life
You say things like:
  • Girl, when we wear skirts, we keep our knees or ankles together.
  • No, girl, you can't sit however you want.  We try to be ladylike.
  • Girl, let's not wear shirts quite so low.
  • Why is the coffee always gone so fast?
  • Girls, Jesus' love for His people is like Hosea's after a whore's
  • We are so similar to the Whores of the Bible. Redeemed.
  • Let's not play hair and make-up in church services.
  • Hey Baptist Congregation, Let's all stand up and dance...
  • Girl, your hair is huge today! (oops...)
  • You are God's masterpiece and He loves you so much

Reading Scripture on Technology | Viewing Scripture, Part 2

My last post discussed how we can accurately view and teach Scripture.  If you didn't read it, you can read it here.  There is a second part to my thoughts tonight. I'd also like your thoughts on this one.
One classmate responded to the question with a decent answer on how it is dangerous to add our own thoughts to Scripture, which is good.  However she then stated, "As bible teachers we are under a divine mandate to teach the Word of God in spirit and in truth and the best way to do that is to teach from the tool itself.  Many today use the iPad, cell phones and other technological ways to read God's Word which is ok, but I still believe that as believers we should never replace the hard copy of the bible for anything else."
Ummm What?!
So this is how I responded.. Too harsh??
I feel that I must disagree with the full statement that "as believers we should never replace the hard copy of the bible for anything else."
I do agree that there is something sentimental and nostalgic about holding a Bible in our hands. It is good for us to hold books and to underline and flip pages; to touch the Words of God. I personally prefer this over technology. However, at the end of the day, the Gospel is the Gospel and whether it's being read on a computer, iPad, ancient scroll, or hard bound book, God's Word is still alive and active in people's lives. The same is said of reading Scripture in different languages. One cannot make the jump to say that if scripture isn't read in the original Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic, then it has been replaced. Sure sometimes the weight of each word might change, but God is still speaking through and to His people. We cannot confine God to English, when there are thousands of other languages in the world. God is a God above language and above paper and pen, screen and typed letters. This makes our relationship with God so personal and unique - He longs to know us where we are at.
I feel like the "technology war" for Scripture is the same way. I think that God is still pleased that His children are reading His letters if it's on a tablet or if it is from pieces of paper bound together. He is not bound by little boxes in our minds or to pages or scrolling websites. Each person is different, and some find it more personal to read from their phones. This could be a benefit when people are on the go. There are also useful tools coming out all the time that help in studying, teaching, and learning the Scriptures.
I still prefer my paper Bible, but I'm not comfortable confining God to a statement saying that God cannot speak to people in different forms, when the Words are the same, and God is still moving in our lives.

Viewing Scripture, Part 1

Working on my Master's courses tonight, I was faced with an interesting question, and wanted to post the question for your opinions and wanted to post my response, also for your reactions.  It's a question that church leaders often are faced with and wrestle with.  Hopefully it does not strike you as too difficult, but if it does, maybe you can use this as an opportunity to learn.
The topic was giving the Bible the prominence that it deserves as teachers of the Word.  The exact wording was:
What can we do in our churches to give the Bible the prominence it deserves and how can we ensure that our Bible teachers use the Bible as the text and not just the curriculum guide?
Here's my opinion:
In our churches, there are a few ways that we could give the Bible prominence as we teach people.  For starters, we can believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  God spoke the words and they do not contradict each other and are completely true. As leaders, if we do not hold this key truth then what we are teaching will reflect that.  As we believe this and teach this to our congregations, we put more emphasis on Scripture and its importance in speaking to us.  We allow Scripture to speak through us in what is taught and in how we act.  It does not need to be added to and it is not appropriate to take bits of scripture to fit our own agendas.
Secondly, we can teach from the Bible.  There are several good books in Christian circles, but the Gospel can stand on its own.  Scripture speaks for itself enough that it does not need to be choked out by human thoughts.  Emphasizing Scripture as the curriculum instead of a topic would allow for teachers to use the Bible as text instead just the curriculum guide.  It isn't bad to do book studies every now and then, but if that is the only thing being taught, it is time to get back to Scripture.
I also think that if we allow Bible teachers, such as Sunday school teachers or small group leaders, the freedom to pace their class, Scripture could be relied on more.  Some groups need to camp out two verses at a time while others prefer the entire chapter.  Each group has different dynamics and when church leadership constricts every group to the same method, despite differences that may work better for a group, teachers are more apt to see the curriculum guide as more important instead of using Scripture as text.
Finally, if we instill in our churches the weight of the gospel and the importance of a personal relationship with God through His word, Scripture will take the prominent place it deserves.  If the people of the church place the Bible as a lifeline, priority in their personal lives, and the teachers allow for Scripture to penetrate every aspect of their lives, then the standard of prominence for the Bible will rise.


Friday, September 13, 2013

A Little Tea Party!

Previously in our student ministry, the girls ministry consisted of a girls retreat in the Fall, Revolve Tour in the Spring, and coffee dates the rest of the year.  (As well as supporting the general student ministry happenings).  Well, after review of a Girls Ministry's purpose and goals, we have changed what we're doing.  Girls ministry is best done throughout the year, and my goal this year is to know more girls that tend to be on the "fringe," doing things that are more "grade-specific."  So we're doing many small events this Fall, trying to include more girls. Thinking through this has stretched me, creatively, more than I thought it would.  It has also taught me a bit of how to diversify for different ages.  6th Graders don't always need to hear what 11th and 12th Grade girls do.

So our first event was for the 6th grade girls.  We had a tea party!!  I wanted to share some of my ideas of what we did.
Purpose:  The goal of the night was to make the girls feel special, girly, and like the princesses that they are.  We talked about how we are daughters of the King and that he loves us so much. As their first official student ministry event, I told them how excited I am that they are now part of the student ministry and that God is going to do big things with their time in this student ministry.  We talked about being valued in God's eyes and shining for Him like Princesses in their schools.
How to Tea Party: 
The Invites: I used invitations from this great site that were easy to edit.  I gave them to the girls a few weeks in advance.  They were cute little reminders.
The Food: Because 6th Grade girls are probably not too thrilled about hot tea, I tweaked the script and we served pink lemonade (what drink is more girly?) and raspberry tea.  The girls were pretty excited about the raspberry tea, and had red mustaches the rest of the night!  I ordered cupcakes from my favorite cupcake bakery, Dimples Cupcake Factory which was a hit! Those cupcakes are huge!

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We drank out of mason jars, and the girls thought that was very special! Haha!  The goal was girly, so I tied ribbons and put tulle everywhere!  To go along with the lemonade theme, I found awesome Hubert's lemonade bottles (after drinking the delicious lemonade, of course) and they contributed to centerpieces.  The tables also had some mason jars with lemon drops and whoppers (malt balls) in them.  I really wanted some giant pink gumballs, but couldn't find any that were cost-efficient enough.
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What we did:  When the girls got to the party, they mingled a bit and started drinking and eating snacks.  I had put on the tables these super cute cutouts of cupcakes that they played with as girls were walking in.  It was nice for them to have something to do with their hands and to do, because with 6th graders sometimes conversation with new people are awkward.DSC_0007
(Apparently I didn't take a picture of the actual cutouts)
I also found these free cutouts to make your own photo booth! The girls really loved this! It was really easy to make, I just printed these out on cardstock and cut away.  I set up a banner in a corner and it made for a perfect photobooth!
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Finally, we played some get-to-know-you games because I didn't know everyone and they didn't either.  We spent thirty minutes learning names and random facts about each other.
Then, as time came to almost leave, we waited for parents and played "pterodactyl" which is played by keeping your teeth covered at all times. The person to your left tries to make you smile and show your teeth by making weird noises and saying "pterodactyl."  We laughed so much!
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These girls are some high school students who helped with the evening. It was awesome to have them invest in younger girls and to have them help with setup and cleanup!
In hindsight, I would change a few things.  I would not host this event on a Friday night during Texas football season.  I didn't think that high school football would affect 6th graders, but this group of girls has many older siblings and a large group of the 6th grade girls went to the football games, which was a bummer to me.
Overall, the evening was a success.  The girls who came were known and I feel like they felt special.  They heard truth and had fun in the process.  Even though not as many girls came as I thought were coming, the ones that did were girls I didn't know as well, so it was a good opportunity for me to meet them.  Not a lot of planning was needed because the girls just wanted to talk and be silly! Their stories were random, but they were heard and are important to the girls.

New Blog Launch

Hey folks!
As many of you know, I'm a girls minister for FBC Frisco. And in trying to be the best girls minister I can be, I have launched a new blog that chronicles learnings from girls ministry. It's partly documenting my journey to figuring out what it means to be a girls minister and also hopefully a resource for others in the field of girls ministry. I'll still keep this blog updated, but I'd love it if you checked out this other blog: 
Also, happenings from our student ministry/girls ministry can be found here: 

May The Lord bless an keep you and may His favor shine upon you. 
Happy weekend!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Plunge

Well, I finally did it. I said goodbye to simplicity and comfort and frustration and finally jumped into the world of smartphones. Hello team iPhone! I've always tried to keep my life as clutter free as possible and stood my ground when all my students tries to convince me to come out of the dark ages. But I've given in. And you know, it feels pretty nice. I'm actually typing this post on the phone right now. The wonders of the Internet! This little box can do all sorts of amazing things! 

Here's the challenge I face: keeping the simplicity. 
I know that The Lord calls us to remove distractions, live more simply, but in today's world we don't always do that. We get busy and add apps and tv shows, more after school activities and turn the music up loud. And sometimes in doing all that, we lose the wonder. So as good as The Lord is, He gave me the right words this morning. I was doing my devotional (I'm going through Ann Voskamp's 1000 Gifts devotional) and this morning's was titled "Urgent Grace."  She talks about how God gives us time, but so often we don't have time for God. She goes on to talk about how being in a hurry can often lead to regret because we miss the moment we're in due to worry over the next moments. Hello! being fully present in each moment, each conversation is so important! 
She then says, 
<blockquote>"Life is so urgent it necessitates living slow."  </blockquote>
Because life is fleeting, we must take in the moments and be slow, reverent. In Christ, time is not running out. We lose time when we don't sit before Him to fill. Because in the filling, we gain time. 
<blockquote>"We stand on the brink of eternity. So there is enough time. Time to breathe deep and time to see real. Time to laugh long, time to give God glory and to rest deep and to sing joy." </blockquote>

What words I needed to hear again and again. I'm so fast to neglect spending time at Jesus' feet, in His Word when life gets busy. But the reality is that when I begin each day with filling myself with Him, I gain time and perspective and all the rest falls into place. 

So as I enter the world of smartphones, may I - may we - not lose sight of being present. Of giving attention to conversation instead of virtual social media. 
May The Lord fill us as we take this urgent life slow.