Sunday, September 29, 2013

Viewing Scripture, Part 1

Working on my Master's courses tonight, I was faced with an interesting question, and wanted to post the question for your opinions and wanted to post my response, also for your reactions.  It's a question that church leaders often are faced with and wrestle with.  Hopefully it does not strike you as too difficult, but if it does, maybe you can use this as an opportunity to learn.
The topic was giving the Bible the prominence that it deserves as teachers of the Word.  The exact wording was:
What can we do in our churches to give the Bible the prominence it deserves and how can we ensure that our Bible teachers use the Bible as the text and not just the curriculum guide?
Here's my opinion:
In our churches, there are a few ways that we could give the Bible prominence as we teach people.  For starters, we can believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  God spoke the words and they do not contradict each other and are completely true. As leaders, if we do not hold this key truth then what we are teaching will reflect that.  As we believe this and teach this to our congregations, we put more emphasis on Scripture and its importance in speaking to us.  We allow Scripture to speak through us in what is taught and in how we act.  It does not need to be added to and it is not appropriate to take bits of scripture to fit our own agendas.
Secondly, we can teach from the Bible.  There are several good books in Christian circles, but the Gospel can stand on its own.  Scripture speaks for itself enough that it does not need to be choked out by human thoughts.  Emphasizing Scripture as the curriculum instead of a topic would allow for teachers to use the Bible as text instead just the curriculum guide.  It isn't bad to do book studies every now and then, but if that is the only thing being taught, it is time to get back to Scripture.
I also think that if we allow Bible teachers, such as Sunday school teachers or small group leaders, the freedom to pace their class, Scripture could be relied on more.  Some groups need to camp out two verses at a time while others prefer the entire chapter.  Each group has different dynamics and when church leadership constricts every group to the same method, despite differences that may work better for a group, teachers are more apt to see the curriculum guide as more important instead of using Scripture as text.
Finally, if we instill in our churches the weight of the gospel and the importance of a personal relationship with God through His word, Scripture will take the prominent place it deserves.  If the people of the church place the Bible as a lifeline, priority in their personal lives, and the teachers allow for Scripture to penetrate every aspect of their lives, then the standard of prominence for the Bible will rise.


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