Monday, November 11, 2013

Dear Intern 1 | The Beginnings and Scripture

I have an intern this year. It's weird that I'm at that stage in my life. Flip back a few posts and you can read about when I was the intern. I learned so much through that time. 
I've been wanting to write. About ministry, about life. I was thinking through how to best equip my intern this year and decided that it might be cool if I started a journal of sorts to her so that maybe then she can read through it and hear my heart. Plus, it's good for me to process through writing. I thought that it might e a good outlet to share with the blog and others, besides the Intern could learn too. 

Here goes. 

I want to share with you some things I'm learning. I know i don't have it all figured out, but I want to contribute daily to your life. I sincerely believe that God teaches us things everyday. He's constantly speaking to us, changing us to become more like Him. So in order for me to pay more attention to those teachings, and because I think it might be beneficial for you to learn as well, here are some daily learnings. I think that documenting what God is doing highlights themes throughout various seasons and allows us to go back in years to come to remind ourselves of what God has done. It will hopefully allow me to become a better girls minister along the way. 
Many of these learnings may pertain to the ministry, some may be relational, and others may just be about life. They might be something you're dealing with right now or that you have trouble relating to, but might come across in the future. Either way, I'm going to share them with you. 

November 11, 2013
Be grounded in Scripture. I know this is important, but I was reminded of just how important today. 
Hebrews 4:12 says that all Scripture is alive and active, more powerful than any double edged sword. Wow! Scripture also says that apart from Christ we can do nothing. Nothing! Not that apart from Him we can do something halfway or just enough, but we that are lifeless without Christ. This means that if we are not seeking Him daily- through personal times with Him in His Word, then we are basically dead. Lesson of today is to meet with God daily. Personally, intimately. It makes all the difference for our attitudes and who we are. The purpose of our lives is to love God and to bring Him glory, and to love people. How can we do that if we are not knowing Him more though Scripture? Knowing more how to relate to people as Christ would?
Being grounded in Scripture is also important because as teachers, we must teach Scripture. Doesn't the saying go "teach/write what you know"? If we are not studying and learning throughout the week, then our lessons come Sunday or Wednesday will be empty words. We will not have allowed time for the Spirit to speak to us so that we can teach. 
This morning I decided that I'm not going to turn on the coffee pot until I have spent time in Scripture. This means that as I was sort of rushing around, I still made myself pause to read but didn't have time to make the coffee. Did I die of depravement? No. But I did realize that I rely on caffeine too much to get me through the day. So instead of starting my day with material energy, I was able I be filled with God's word. 
And what resulted was going into situations that might have had the potential to be saturated in disappointment or bitterness with a positive attitude; not allowing my circumstances to effect my attitude. It gave me a better eternal perspective throughout the day. 
I was reading through Samson's story after my normal reading plan because that is the series we are in as a student ministry. It was good for me to read the story again not only because it came up among the staff today, but also because there was some convicting stuff! At one point, as soon as Delilah cuts Samson's hair, The Spirit leaves him. However because he had been traveling down a path away from God with the philistine lifestyle, he had no clue that the Spirit had left him. Terrifying. How often do I go for days without reading the Word and not notice that the power of God has left me? May it never be said of me again that I was unaware of the power of the Holy Spirit leaving me. May I be fully grounded in Scripture. 
So please, whether you're in ministry or not, be in the Word. It is life. It gives life. Make it a priority and start your day with The Lord. 

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