Sunday, April 19, 2015

Me? A Morning Person?

Well, I'm trying to wake up early and be a morning person. Trying. I used to be so good at this, and then I started working at FBC. We like late nights, late mornings...I like my sleep. So I'm making a new goal.
Despite skepticism, I've woken up before 7:30 the past 3 mornings! What!? And be impressed, because this goal was set to start on my birthday (yesterday), but I actually started waking up early the day before. Now, Friday was a surprise, as I intended to sleep in. But a certain little brother who needed a ride had other plans. I ended up reading a whole book with all the extra time I had while I wasn't sleeping in. It was quite nice.

I woke up at 7:30 on my own Saturday, and then had to get ready to meet someone for coffee and a wedding shower. So that wasn't half bad. I will say, I was falling asleep by about 10:30 last night though. We party hard here.

This morning, I woke up at 6:15 and ran to Walmart. I meant to go last night but torrential rains prevented it. So I woke up early. Slowly but surely I'll be a morning person.

This is what I learned at 6:30 at Walmart:
1. No one is at Frisco's Walmart that early...
2. The sunrise happens if you get up early enough to see it. (:
3. People are way happier early in the morning! I had pleasant conversations with about four people who were either working or just out doing the same thing I was. And they were FRIENDLY. In my pre-coffee state, I wasn't sure I could formulate any real words, but it was as if we all shared a bond because we were up and out before 7. Walmart man, it's the place to make friends!
4. By 4:30 I was in much need of a short nap! So that's what I did in the lovely porch sun...until my dog stepped on my face...classic.

In all seriousness, it is worth thinking about. The people I encountered early in the morning were almost friendlier and more open to a conversation than many other people I encountered throughout the rest of my day. Is it that they realize that being awake allows you to savor more of the day? Do they spend more time filling with the moments the Lord gives them? Does it allow more time to breathe in a day, as opposed to just rushing through?

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